Products » Displays » PVC, steel and wooden COAT RACKS

Velvet clothes hangers
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Elegant clothes hangers to highlight displayed items. Clothes hangers (two sizes available), trouser/skirt holders, slim hangers for t-shirts and shirts and trousers bar hangers. Black velvet models available. Further colours available to order (high amounts).

SOLDATI - Manichini, Arredamenti, Vetrine, Attrezzature per Negozi

SHOW ROOM e UFFICI via Ausa, 7 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
LABORATORIO e MAGAZZINO via Ausa, 9 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541/756202 - Fax +39 0541/756139
Privacy & Cookie Policy - Cookie preferences - P.Iva 03950630404

OPENING HOURS SHOWROOM AND OFFICES: 8:30/12:30 - 14:30/18:30 every day, Saturday and Sunday excluded.
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Credits TITANKA! Spa