Products » Furnishings » Counters and accessories

soldati en p759379-componible-counters 005
Modular benches from the CHAMELEON collection.
Linear modules are available starting from a length of 90 cm up to 120 cm for a base depth of 65 cm up to 75 cm in the upper part (the furniture in this collection are with an oblique front that makes the furniture lighter architecturally).
The collection is also enriched by quadrangular and angular modules 65x75 cm, all with a height of 100 cm (some double height elements with cash desk or computer).
Basically they are made of laminate in the finishes of the moment, with the possibility of having fronts in different colors and finishes.
SOLDATI - Manichini, Arredamenti, Vetrine, Attrezzature per Negozi

SHOW ROOM e UFFICI via Ausa, 7 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
LABORATORIO e MAGAZZINO via Ausa, 9 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541/756202 - Fax +39 0541/756139
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OPENING HOURS SHOWROOM AND OFFICES: 8:30/12:30 - 14:30/18:30 every day, Saturday and Sunday excluded.
soldati en p759379-componible-counters 007 soldati en p759379-componible-counters 008 soldati en p759379-componible-counters 009
Credits TITANKA! Spa